Fund your Net Zero project within the NHS with an SBRI grant


Competition 24 – Delivering a Net Zero NHS for a Healthier Future

You could win £50,000 to £100,000 over a 12 month period to develop your Net Zero project.

The competition themes are:

Challenge category 1: Clinical community engagement
Challenge category 2: Novel business models to enable circularity in perioperative care and critical care settings
Challenge category 3: Net zero transformation across clinical pathways

Here is the link to the SBRI Healthcare website which has all the competition information on it.


If you need help:
Developing your idea
Finding an NHS partner
Finding a techology partner
Developing your application
Writing your application
Editing your application
Managing your grant funded project

Then please get in touch either via the form below – we are happy to have a discussion on how we can best help you.

If you want to try it yourself – good luck!

If you get stuck don’t be afraid to ask.

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